Rangga (Adipati Dolken), a 20 year old student lives in an orphanage since he was a child, with his sister, Sarah (Ghina Salsabila). This orphanage belongs to Hajj Rachman (Jamal Mirdad) and his wife, Hajjah Rosna (Henidar Amroe), who have no children of their own. They’ve become the parents for the orphans. One day an orphan called Lili (Widy Vierra), 17 year old, is raped by Jerink (Edo Borne), a local thug. Among the thugs, the boss is Rambo (Tio Pakusadewo), Jerink’s brother. Rangga, always hates thugs’ ways, asks Jerink to hold responsibility. Both get into a duel and Jerink dies by his own knife. Rangga is sentenced to jail for three years. Rambo then sends people to murder him in jail but these guys fail to avenge Rambo’s brother’s death.
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Sang Martir (2012)
Download & Nonton Film Sang Martir (2012) Subtitle Indonesia Bluray Webdl Sub Indo
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Quality: WEB-DL
Year: 2012
Duration: 98 Min
Language:Bahasa indonesia
Director:Helfi C.H. Kardit